The Future of Music Industry

Via Scoop.itThe Incubator


This hot  interview with Bram Cohen, the co-founder of BitTorrent on TechCrunch made me think a lot about the future of music industry and not only, but all entertainment industries and creative business. There was one good food for thought-question about whether  »we are buying less or we paying less due to the development of piracy? ». Turning the consumer problem upside down, again and again, I’m just trying to spot the future business potential, beyond the copyright debate that it’s going on since a while @here. In my humble opinion, I believe there is no problem with the music or film in themselves. I think there is not a consuming problem either. It’a an industry problem. And that’s because people change quicklier then business models. But we need to understand that distribution is the first sector of creative industries, affected by the digital culture. We need to stop seing people as consumers, but as people. We need to offer them products and services to enjoy and make their life better, easier and more exciting. We have to stop focusing on copyright issues and useless talks and innovate. We should go out there and ask people in the street what they want and what they need.  The winners are those who have already realised the old business model is over. The winners are those for whom consumers of the digital economy are people and they are not buying the product anymore. They are buying either the product experience, or the service. Therefore, if you are in the industry and you provide service, get up-to-date and make service available online, everywhere, free. And if you are on the other side, think about the next experience you are going to offer to your fans. Good luck!

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