Category Archives: Romania

O perspectiva asupra culturii de la lansarea Bibliotecii Nationale a Romaniei

Azi am ajuns la deschiderea Bibliotecii Nationale pe dupa pranz. Dupa ce-am dat o tura de parcare printre masinile oficialilor ca sa gasesc un locsor pentru biciclete, m-am decis, fara sorti de izbanda, sa-mi las si eu bicicleta langa o alta, pe pamantul proaspat, de-mi intrau tenisii in el cand am […]

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Post-industrial cityscape in Bucharest

Bucharest is changing in the same time I change. Every time I visit it, I find another Bucharest. Always in construction, forever in destruction. A neverending series of transformation in the landscape is printed on my retina and mixt with emotions of different perriods I’ve had here. Today I feel […]

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Everything about Romania during the communism

[flagallery gid=3 skin=photo_pro_demo name=Gallery] The series of photos is in the same time a series of discoveries of my own country. Once again home, I’m feeling like I’ve taken another step back from places I used to know by heart. Looking differently on everything, I try to understand what makes […]

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Internet is in the air but not everywhere

During the last 2 weeks I’ve been travelling in Romania, crossing the whole country from the capital city of Bucharest to the northern city of Dracula’s country: Sighetul  Marmatiei. Between the thousands of wonderful places, people and landscapes, I remembered again everything that is to be done around here. I […]

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Creativitatea in joc. Jocuri de strategii economice. Industriile creative in practica si critica

De cateva luni adun in reader, favorites, pe birou si folderele din calculator tot felul de materiale, rapoarte, teorii, statistici si articole de presa despre industriile creative. Cand nu mai stiu unde sa le salvez, ma uit pe schita desenata si o redesenez. De fiecare data cand gasesc o idee […]

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Inapoi la realitate

Aseara trebuia sa ma intalnesc cu prietenii la O’Hara’s pe str. Franceza. Drumul de la birou, pe jos, in sus pe Lipscani a fost picurat din 2 in 2 metri de aparate de aer conditionat. Dupa 10 minute ma racorisem deja ca dupa un dus. Ma-ntrebam oare, unde in Europa am […]

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De la ras la plans si invers

M-a lovit pesimismul si vreo cateva zile m-am autodispretuit pentru a fi luat aproape o pozitie abulica vizavi de viata si lucruri si ceea ce  ar trebui sa faca un om. Dar mi-am revenit din nou, destul de rapid :). Mi-am acoperit ochii si-urechile de frica  « plansului de mila » si […]

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